Ubuntu is probably the most popular Linux variant, but Linux Mint is also very popular among users. This is now in brand new version 19, codenamed “Tara“. Because often the question arises as to whether Linux Mint is better or Ubuntu, one has to say in advance that Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu and therefore there are many similarities. What sets Linux Mint apart: It’s an unobtrusive distribution that puts meaningful functions into the foreground for users. The special feature of Linux Mint 19 is that it’s long-term support release (as always). This means that there will be support until 2023 that is a whopping five years. To classify: The support for Windows 7 expires in 2020.

Timeshift functions against problems

Timeshift: Snapshots are backups of the operating system to which users can return in case of problems.Picture With PC problems, one often simply wishes to return to a functioning system. Backups are the right solution but many users ignore that. With the Timeshift feature, Linux Mint 19 relies on snapshots, which are snapshots of the system that can be returned in the event of a failure. As before, users have the exact control over when which update should be recorded. But if something goes wrong with an update, which can happen with Linux Mint as well as with Windows, you have a Timeshift, a problem solver on board. The complete update process relies on Timeshift. If you have not yet created any snapshots, you will be notified with a warning message.

Auto updates for all users

Auto-Updates: If you want, you can now activate automatic updates via a checkbox. Picture Linux Mint also had automatic updates before version 19 but that required a certain level of Linux know-how because you had to create the necessary cron job yourself. Now there is a new setting via which one can activate auto-updates simply by a checkbox. The reason why this is so easy: With Timeshift, there is the ultimate problem solver when something goes wrong with an automatic update.

Easier Linux Welcome Screen

Easier entry: Especially Windows newcomers will find important information about Linux Mint on the welcome screen. Linux Mint 19 wants to make it easier to get started with a new welcome screen. This is especially targeted for converters of Windows who first have to find their way around the new operating system. Users can access the welcome screen with a tutorial, the revised documentation and help pages. A security guide is already in the work according to the creators.

Refurbished software manager

Faster: The software manager now works faster with Linux Mint 19. The software manager also gets new features in Linux Mint. It is a core component for every Linux distribution because most programs are installed using it. It looks a bit like an app store. Now there are also nice animations and you can search for the software manager faster. A new cache should ensure that all software packages can be installed faster.

Better HiDPI support and a change to the default Linux Mint 19 theme

Support for HiDPI displays (high resolutions like 4k) is improved. Now, all Linux Mint tools support its resolutions. Also, the default desktop theme becomes Mint-Y whose icons are intended for HiDPI support. The previous theme, Mint-X is still available as an alternative.

Desktop environments and Linux Mint applications updated

Linux Mint is also developing a Cinnamon desktop environment which is the main publishing environment. The latter is based on GNOME 3 but brings its own specificities. And each new version of Linux Mint incorporates a new version of this environment. Cinnamon 3.8 was released in early May. And, this version brings a better fluidity of the environment and more speed for the opening of the applications. Moreover, several of its components have evolved:

Nemo (the file explorer) sees its improved and faster search moduleXreader (PDF reader) allows you to modify the size of navigation thumbnails to have a list of previously opened documents (according to your privacy preferences)Notifications evolve and become more “intelligent”.Xed (the text editor) sees its preferences window completely transformed. It is enriched with a new plugin that allows to automatically complete the typed words without referring to a dictionary, but thanks to the words already present in the document.

Download Linux Mint 19 “Tara”


Even Linux Mint 19 does not make it that people are switching to Linux in droves. That’s not necessary, but Linux Mint 19 is a Windows alternative for those who want more control over their system. Simple operation and stability are on top and in this version, Linux Mint is nice and relaxed.