A horrendous misfortune before long followed when they were murdered by a man named Shaun Gallon with a rifle. The occurrence was generally shrouded in the media and has since been viewed as an astonishing episode.


Lindsay and Jason were the two instructors and worked at the Rock-N-Water, which is a Christian Summer Camp in America. For quite a while, nobody was indicted for the wrongdoings of the homicide of the couple and their family requested equity until 2021 when the homicide was at long last sentenced.

According to the examinations by People Magazine, Lindsay and Cutshall and her life partner Jason Allen were killed while they were resting in the wake of a monotonous day of stroll on the Fish Head Beach in Jenner in 2004. Their body was not discovered at first however following four days of a broad hunt, they were found on the sea shore dead.

Albeit the homicide got a great deal of media consideration, the specialists were as yet not certain of the offender or the intention behind the horrifying killings. After a long examination and court hearing, Shaun Gallon was at last indicted for homicide and manslaughter. He was given an aggregate of 3 life sentences with no parole.  The convict in the killings of Lindsay Cutshall and her life partner Jason Allen was Shaun Gallon, an occupant of Sonoma County. It was discovered that he was a heartless homicide. The killer was additionally indicted for two other various instances of homicide and crime.

He has been indicted for killing his own sibling in the year 2017 and for the endeavored murder of a man in Monte Rio. In the year 2019, Shaun Gallon conceded to the violations and was condemned to three life sentences alongside 94 years of jail with no way of parole.