Individuals from the congregation might look for direction from the minister. A minister is exceptionally respected inside a strict local area. Notwithstanding, a minister called Walter Mashalane was as of late gotten and condemned to prison time for a long time for unapproved ownership of firearms and ammo.

The individuals from the Presence Ministries Church are angry on the grounds that the pioneer behind the congregation is the person who is blamed for the terrible deed.

Is Apostle Walter Mashalane Arrested? Prison Sentence Apostle Walter Mashalane is captured for having unlicensed ammo and guns. The minister has been condemned to 5 years in jail.

After an intensive inquiry of the property, the officials found one gun with ammunition hid behind a roof during the capture. The other weapon was rarely found.

The charged was in the long run given free opportunity with an advance notice till the beginning of his five-year prison sentence around the same time (Friday), and he was likewise judged unacceptable to convey a handgun. ”

In the interim, Hadebe, the Limpopo police boss, said Mashalane’s sentence ought to act as an advance notice to different priests all through the district.

Limpopo Pastor Walter Mashalane Charged With Theft And Robbery Of Firearms The court charged a Limpopo minister named Walter Mashalane with burglary and theft of guns. He got captured on the grounds that he had ammo and guns that the public authority didn’t permit.

Brigadier Motlafela Mojapelo, a police representative in Limpopo, said Mashalane got condemned on Friday. According to the preliminary court, the minister had spoken with one of his adherents. He requested that she give him two weapons that had a place with her hubby to ask for them since he expressed he had a dreadful feeling about them in 2019.”

The woman obliged and gave the two handguns to Mashalane without illuminating the real proprietor. Afterward, her better half reached Mashalane and requested that he return the guns. As indicated by police, the minister declined.

— Sowetan LIVE (@SowetanLIVE) October 10, 2019

Sergeant Mashitisho was relegated to the situation, and a burglary case was enlisted. The minister was caught on September 10, 2019, close to Mokhuromela town, with the help of the common following colleagues.

Walter Mashalane is The Son Of Major 1 Minister Walter Mashalane, who has as of late been captured, is the child of Major 1.

Related to persuasive Malawian evangelist Shepherd Bushiri, who instructed an enormous following across South Africa, the noticeable Limpopo minister is famously called “Child of Major 1” among his multitude of allies.

Minister Walter, the organizer and minister of In His Presence Ministries Church, is 46. Individuals are angry with the minister since ministers are supposed to give otherworldly guidance to society while not taking part in crime. “