That is not all, though. Bethesda is going to be selling limited run Fallout 4 products throughout the week. Today, the Great War T-shirt is now available to buy. A limited edition Fallout 4 Xbox one controller will be going on sale tomorrow. This will be followed by a Pip-boy-themed bag for Wednesday, a Vault-tech watch for Thursday and a limited edition Fallout 4 artwork for Friday. The controller, watch and art book are all on a limited run, so keep a close eye on the store if you want to buy them.
Products based around other game franchises Bethesda owns, like the Elder Scroll series, will be on sale during the week.
Recently Fallout Shelter has received an update that added in new challenges and a new legendary dweller, Piper, who will be appearing in Fallout 4.
Fallout 4 will be released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on November 10th