Who Was John Repetto From Chippewa Falls WI? John Repetto was the beau of Laurie Peters from Chippewa Fall, WI. His name has surfaced on the web since he is supposedly the stepfather of the suspect who has been captured in Lily’s homicide case.


The dad appears to have offered something hostile via virtual entertainment, which has caused destruction on the stage. Many individuals condemn him, yet we don’t know about what sort of posts he had made before.

In the new post, he requested that the public quit slamming his Facebook profile for being hostile, however this isn’t the most ideal time for it which shows that the family is as yet grieving the deficiency of the young lady.

Also, a screen capture of a discussion where one client guaranteed that one of his colleagues knew the family coursed on the web. The unknown client said that the suspect was named Carson Peters Berger. Be that as it may, it is yet to be aware assuming he is John’s stepson or a natural one.

Also, many individuals hypothesize that the person who has been captured might be connected with Laurie, Lily’s auntie. Albeit the police have not given the subtleties old enough, orientation, or the wrongdoer’s name, many individuals imagine that the denounced is connected with her auntie’s loved ones.

My heart goes out to #LilyPeter‘s family.https://t.co/p5mOQJT9DP

— Jennifer Coffindaffer (@CoffindafferFBI) April 26, 2022

The police had referenced that the denounced was not an alien to the person in question. Furthermore, examiners additionally got a court order at Laurie’s home.

Lily Peters Aunty Laurie Peters Boyfriend Facebook Lily Peters aunt, Laurie Peters’ sweetheart’s name, surfaces on the web as he supposedly offered something hostile. Yet, as seen from his new post, it appears to be the content he shares on the stage is the one that is said hostile.

By the by, netizens are saying that assuming there was somebody like John at Lauries’ home, Lily’s folks shouldn’t have sent her to her home. Nonetheless, these are unmerited allegations and are only hypotheses from individuals who are irritated about the episode.