Ingredients for food can be found while scrounging through the wilderness or from trading with NPCs. However, you won’t want to waste your resources trying to figure out recipes.

That’s where this guide comes in.

Here are all the different food recipes we’ve found so far in LifeAfter and what effects they have. They are broken into categories as best as possible, but keep in mind that there is some overlap between categories.

To create any food, you will need to find a fire. There is one in the central hub, and several you can find throughout the world of LifeAfter.

Recipes for Allaying Hunger and Increasing HP

These are recipes that mostly affect your health and your hunger. Many other recipes will increase HP or health, but it is the primary benefit of these foods.

Barbecued Meats

Ingredients: Meat (x4) Stats: +40 HP, +40 Fullness Effect: Regenerate HP over time

Bread with Jam

Ingredients: Flour, Fruit Stats: +37. 5 Fullness Effect: Allay Hunger

Candied Food

Ingredients: Honey, Fruit Stats: +60 HP, +27. 5 Fullness Effect: Allay Hunger

Carrot Patty

Ingredients: Meat (x2), Carrot (x2) Effect: Regenerate Health over time

Fried Pumpkin Strip

Ingredients: Flour, Milk, Pumpkin (x2) Effect: Allay Hunger

Fruit Milk

Ingredients: Milk, Fruit Effect: Regenerate Health over time

Grilled Mushrooms

Ingredients: Mushroom Stats: +5 Health, +30 Fullness Effect: Regenerate HP over time


Ingredients: Honey (x4) Stats: +240 HP, +20 Fullness Effect: Regenerate HP over time

Honey Grilled Meat

Ingredients: Honey, Meat Stats: +70 HP, +30 Fullness Effect: Regenerate HP over time


Ingredients: Fruit Stats: +30 Fullness Effect: Allay Hunger


Ingredients: Fruit (x2), Ice Cube (x2) Effect: Regenerate HP over time

Meat Plate

Ingredients: Mushroom, Vegetable, Meat (x2) Stats: +20 HP, +35 Fullness, +2. 5 Health

Mushroom Soup

Ingredients: Milk, Mushroom Effect: Regenerate Health over time

Steamed Vegetables

Ingredients: Vegetable Stats: +2. 5 Health, +30 Fullness Effect: Allay Hunger

Steamed Crab

Ingredients: Crab Effect: Allay Hunger

Steamed Shrimp

Ingredients: Shrimp Effect: Allay Hunger

Strawberry Muffin

Ingredients: Flour, Strawberry (x3) Effect: Regenerate HP over time


Ingredients: Flour Stats: +60 Fullness Effect: Allay Hunger

Fish Recipes

Fish recipes are nice for a few reasons - they can use a variety of different ingredients (outside of the main fish you need), and they often provide you with boosts to different stats. Fish are excellent for helping you work resources more efficiently.

Grilled Carp

Ingredients: Carp, Any vegetable or meat Stats: +10 HP, +32. 5 Fullness Effect: Increased gathering speed for 10 minutes

Grilled Catfish

Ingredients: Catfish, any vegetable or meat Stats: +5 HP, +40 Fullness Effect: Increased digging speed for 10 minutes

Grilled Grass Carp

Ingredients: Grass Carp, any vegetable or meat Stats: +35 HP, +40 Fullness Effect: Increased logging speed for 10 minutes

Grilled Grass Pufferfish

Ingredients: Pufferfish, Any vegetable or meat Stats: +35 HP, +40 Fullness, +10 Health

Grilled Grouper

Ingredients: Grouper, any vegetable or meat Effect: Increased gathering speed for 10 minutes

Grilled Napoleon Fish

Ingredients: Napoleon fish, any vegetable or meat Effect: Increased logging and Mining speed for 10 minutes

Grilled Parrotfish

Ingredients: Parrotfish, any vegetable or meat Effect: Increased logging speed and Critical Chance for 10 minutes

Grilled Ribbonfish

Ingredients: Ribbonfish, any vegetable or meat Effect: Increased logging speed for 10 minutes

Grilled Silver Carp

Ingredients: Silver Carp, any vegetable or meat Effect: Max breath increased for 10 minutes

Grilled Tilapia

Ingredients: Tilapia, any vegetable or meat Effect: Increased mining speed and Critical Chance for 10 minutes

Grilled Turbot

Ingredients: Turbot, any vegetable or meat Effect: Increased mining speed for 10 minutes

Grilled Yellow Croaker

Ingredients: Yellow Croaker, any vegetable or meat Stats: +35 HP, +40 Fullness

Damage Altering Recipes

These are foods that will help you do better damage to the assorted enemies you’ll meet in LifeAfter.

Fruit Pie

Ingredients: Flour, Honey, Fruit Stats: +60 HP, +35 Fullness Effect: Increased damage against Humanoids 

Meat Skewer

Ingredients: Flour, Meat Stats: +10 HP, +32. 5 Fullness Effect: Increased damage against Wild Animals


Ingredients: Vegetable, Meat Stats: +10 HP, +2. 5 Health, +35 Fullness Effect: Increased damage against Infected 

Milk Stew

Ingredients: Milk, Meat Effect: Increased damage against Infected

Mince Pie

Ingredients: Fruit, Meat Stats: +30 HP, +45 Fullness Effect: Increased damage against Humanoids 

Nutrition Stew

Ingredients: Flour, Milk, Meat Effect: Increased damage against Wild Animals


Ingredients: Flour, Fruit, Meat Stats: +10 HP, +40 Fullness Effect: Increased damage against Infected

Special Pizza

Ingredients: Flour, Mushroom, Vegetable, Meat Effect: Increased damage against Buildings

Temperature Altering Recipes

LifeAfter also tasks you with keeping your body temperature regular. There are a variety of foods that can increase and decrease your temperature if you’re getting slowed down by it.

Bee Syrup

Ingredients: Honey, Ice cube (x3) Stats: +60 HP, +5 Fullness Effect: Cures cold

Cream Soup

Ingredients: Milk, Meat, Vegetable Effect: Increase to body temperature


Ingredients: Meat, Mushroom, Flour Effect: Increase to body temperature

Fruit Popsicle

Ingredients: Fruit, Ice cube (x3) Stats: +7. 5 Fullness Effect: Decrease to body temperature

Fruit Smoothie

Ingredients: Fruit (x2), Honey, Ice Cube Stats: +60 HP, +20 Fullness Effect: Decrease to body temperature

Hot Water

Ingredients: Ice cube Effect: Cures cold, Increase to body temperature


Ingredients: Milk Effect: Increase to body temperature and increase to health

Milk Pudding

Ingredients: Milk, Honey, Ice Cube Effect: Decrease to body temperature

Stewed Fish Soup

Ingredients: Fish Effect: Cures cold and restores body temperature

Miscellaneous Recipes

Here are a few more of LifeAfter’s recipes that don’t fit neatly into other categories. These will increase a variety of stats when you consume them.

Assorted Platter

Ingredients: Mushroom, Vegetable, Fruit, Meat Effect: Increased logging speed and critical chance

Egg Tart

Ingredients: Honey, Flour, Milk Effect: Increased digging critical chance

Fruit and Vegetable Salad

Ingredients: Vegetable, Fruit Stats: +30 Fullness Effect: Increased hemp gathering and critical chance

Fruit Cake

Ingredients: Honey, Milk, Flour, Fruit Effect: Increased movement speed

Honey Croissant

Ingredients: Honey, Flour Stats: +80 Fullness, +60 HP Effect: Increased logging speed and critical chance

Honey Mushroom

Ingredients: Honey, Mushroom Stats: +27. 5 Fullness, +60 HP, +2. 5 Health Effect: Increased hemp gathering critical chance

Ice Strawberry Yogurt

Ingredients: Honey, Milk, Strawberry, Ice Cube Effect: Increased movement speed

Milky Croissant

Ingredients: Milk, Flour Effect: Increased logging speed

Mushroom Skewers

Ingredients: Mushroom, Meat Stats: +10 HP, +2. 5 Health, +32. 5 Fullness Effect: Increased critical chance

Mushroom Udon Noodles

Ingredients: Mushroom, Flour Stats: +37. 5 Fullness, +2. 5 Health Effect: Increased digging speed and critical chance


Ingredients: Meat, Vegetable, Fruit, Flour Stats: +42. 5 Fullness, +10 HP, +2. 5 Health Effect: Increased critical chance 

Strawberry Jelly

Ingredients: Strawberry, Ice Cube (x2), Milk Effect: Increased movement speed and critical chance


Ingredients: Honey, Milk Stats: +140 HP, +20 Fullness, +20 Health Effect: Increased movement speed 

Vegetable and fish ball soup

Ingredients: Vegetable, Fish Effect: Increased maximum energy

Vegetable Cake

Ingredients: Vegetable, Flour Stats: +52. 5 Fullness Effect: Increased logging critical chance 

LifeAfter is a massive game and will probably continue to see content changes as updates are released. Keep on the lookout for more recipes and more guides from us to keep you going in the fight against the infected.