Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG is a German international company. And businesses as a discount retail chain. It has about eleven thousand stores across Europe and the United States. It is a part of the Schwarz Group. There is a similar company in the same line and operates in the same discount retail business named Aldi. Both of them give a tough competition to each other. Aldi is older than Lidl. It was founded in 1961, whereas Lidl officially came into the same business in 1977.

Lidl is a profitable glossary business and accounts for a trillion-dollar of market worth. In the past twenty years, it has doubled its sales and increased its profit margins. And it has become a favorable business in which investors are interested in putting the money. As a supermarket business, this is quite surprising because supermarkets run on a fixed revenue and have not scaled beyond a certain capacity.

And due to its ally with Aldi, it’s in the headlines quite often. And this makes it suitable to purchase some of the stocks and earn some profit from them. 

The History of Lidl

Lidl shares can’t be purchased. But why? It is due to knowing some facts about Lidl. Josef Schwarz collaborated with a fruit wholesaler in the year 1930. And by taking advantage of the popularity and influence of this fruit wholesaler, he grew his general store into a large business. The name of this fruit seller was A.Lidl and, this partnership was till the death of Josef.

After the death of Josef Schwarz, his son took over the business. And no doubt he expanded it across the country, opened various stores beyond Germany. And it has spread across Europe in much less time. 

Due to this business strategy Lidl was also able to open up the stores without any outside investor. And so to this strong bootstrap foundation today also Lidl is not listed in the stock market. 

To further cut the expenses, Lidl does not spend on luxuries. The stores are smaller in size and operate with minimum staff. And the extra profit is further invested in the business. So, the company ownership is still private.

There has been recent news of a stock split in Lidl. And so it becomes difficult for the analyst and investors to know how they run their business. And at the same time make profits. 

However, Lidl is still under its parent company Schwarz Gruppe (in German) or Schwarz Group. 

How to buy Lidl Stock?

The harsh truth is that one cannot buy the stock of Lidl. It is because it is in the hands of a private firm, ‘the Schwarz Group’. And the stocks of a particular company can only be purchased when it is public. If it has offered an IPO which stands for Initial Public Offering.

And as per the statements of the company’s head, it has no plans to go public shortly. And offer an IPO. 

When can Lidl go Public?

Well, it’s in the hands of the people running the company. There are claims from the current CEO Dieter that the company will not go public now. And will remain in his only. But the future is quite uncertain and unpredictable.

As an investor, this news is sad since Schwartz Groups, as an enterprise, is quite profitable and has a separate chain of business in the same line other than Lidl.


Lidl is not yet a company that is listed publicly. And the parent company of Lidl, Schwartz, has clarified their intentions of not making it public and offering an IPO of Lidl. So it becomes impossible to purchase the shares of Lidl.

Q. 1) Why are Lidl shares in high demand?

Ans. Lidl is a retail grocery store and the economic value of Lidl has increased over the years. It is expanding its business and increasing its profit margins with every passing day. Even after a stock split, it has shown an upward curve in profit growth. All these reasons make it a potential business to invest in.

Q. 2) Is there any other company with some good stocks in which one can invest money similar to Lidl?

Ans. Yes, there are a few similar stocks similar to Lidl. And they have shown results in the past years. But before taking any decision, please do your research.

These companies are similar to Lidl. They are

Food Lion – A grocery business active across ten states of the United States.  Kroger – It is one of the largest supermarkets in the United States. Walmart – With the lowest-priced groceries but high-profit margin, it is a well-known brand.

Q. 3) Lidl is located in which country?

Ans. Lidl was started in Germany and has grown into the largest retail store. With various stores outside Germany. To know more about Lidl, Check out the official site of Lidl here.