Liberals support constitutional policies based on individual rights, liberty, consent, and equality before the law, even if the consequences harm them or any of their neighbors. It is more philosophical than political. Whereas leftists or left-wing people support social equality in all propositions like jobs, education, rights, etc., these people are more concerned about society than liberals. Leftism and liberalism have different histories with distinct political categories. 

Let’s take a look at the history of these two parties:

Liberalism as a political party started back in the 1840s in England, when a certain group of politicians proposed a set of thoughts that were different from their colleagues, the Tory, and Whigs. The idea was that industrial owners could compete with the capital owners. The liberals replaced the traditional government and took over the country for the next 70 years.

The left was derived from the French Revolution in 1789. Democracy, socialism, and other ideologies became the mainstays of the French Revolution in the mid-nineteenth century. In the US, leftists were influenced by the works of Thomas Paine, who had first introduced this concept.

The differences between liberals and leftists

The liberal distinguishes races based on skin color, and those who believe race is important are all racists. However, the leftist believes only in the human race. While liberals are committed to racial integration, leftists are increasing racial segregation at universities through initiatives such as black dormitories and black graduation. Liberals believe in the concept of the nation-state, whereas leftists divide the world based on class and national identity. Believed in the concept of nationalism on the road to fascism.  Liberals have a deep love for western civilization, but leftists oppose the idea of liberals. They believed that Western civilization was not superior to any other civilization. Liberals are pro-capitalism because they know that capitalism is the only way to get people out of poverty. Liberals want the government to play a bigger role. But leftist thoughts are different from liberal ones. Most liberals do not practice any religion, but some do. However, leftists do not practice any religion. Liberals believe that individuals should have more freedom than the government to ensure social equality. Leftists believe that the government should have more power than individuals to ensure social equality. Liberals believe in giving merit scholarships to individuals, but leftists believe in completely free education for students.

Liberals and the Left now

In the US, Joe Biden is moderately liberal since he was a supporter of NAFTA and gave more importance to the Affordable Care Act than universal healthcare. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are both socialists. They are each supporter of universal health care. They communicate more guidelines on banking and insurance and the advent of post office banking.

In India, liberals vs. leftists

The left has been a riding pressure with inside the Indian political system. It is a strange phenomenon, as both of them have completely different ideologies, as right-wing Hindu nationalism is growing and is pushing leftists and liberals into a corner. The Indian leftists have been attempting to overpower America’s progress, but have not been entirely successful due to ideological differences. During the independence period, some leftists were imprisoned, and their collaborative efforts led to India’s independence. Coming towards the Indian Liberals they have been confusing their ideologies with western countries. Hindu extremists have posed significant challenges to liberal ideas. Indian leftists and liberals are different from Americans. Liberals oppose national healthcare and the elimination of private health care, whereas leftists support it. The goal of the liberal-left in India has been simpler: to oppose authoritarian ideas.

Some political figures:

They belong to the liberal group—Rudy Giuli, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, etc.

Belonging to the leftist groups: Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, etc.

The concepts of leftist and liberal have different meanings across different parts of the world. Their ideologies are different nationwide. Most people may think the two terms are similar, but they are not, as they are differentiated based on ideologies. The concept of the left and liberals is changing with time, and new concepts are coming up as well. America uses the word “liberals” a lot and covers those who are Democrats, but not all Democrats are liberals. Some of them may be leftist. 

Are the left and liberals the same?

Answer- No, they are completely different as they have different ideologies.

Where did the leftist concept come from?

Answer-it originated in the 1840s in England.