When Samsung announced the first Note back in 2011, no one really knew how to process it. Who in their right mind would buy such a large smartphone, the tech media said. After seeing the Asian market soak up the gigantic device, however, LG decided to get in on the action with the Vu. Unlike the Note, or any other smartphone that has come before, the Vu shipped with a 4:3 aspect ratio screen, which made it impossible to hold, much less fit in your pocket. LG essentially created a 5 inch Android powered iPad with the Vu. Months later, the Vu II was released, and it was basically the first Vu, but with better specifications. That failed too, again, because of the awkward form factor.

None of this negates the fact that large screen smartphones are coveted in some markets. Over the weekend, the Japanese site RBMen discovered the existence of a product called the LG-F300L, which they think is the third generation Vu. They also found the device’s User Agent Profile, and it says the product in question has a screen resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. Putting two and two together, it’s highly conceivable that LG will do what Samsung does and have both a flagship phone out on the market (G2) and a jumbo version of said flagship (Vu 3?) for those who want a bigger display. How big will the Vu 3 be? I’m going to take a guess and say 6.1 inches. My evidence is this video: