Some companies, usually large ones, issue you a mobile phone on your first day at work. If they want you to use a BlackBerry, you have to use a BlackBerry. Fortunately, these days you’re seeing something called BYOD becoming a thing. That’s defined as “bring your own device”, and it’s exactly what you think it is. You can’t bring any device, of course, it needs to come with a certain set of features that are compatible with your company’s IT infrastructure.

Which brings me to Samsung and KNOX. Announced several months ago, KNOX encrypts your phone, has remote management, and is loaded with features that have three or four letter acronyms that only a Chief Information Officer would know and love. Today, LG is announcing their own KNOX implementation, and it comes with the fancy new brand name called “Gate”. LG Gate, which launches this month, will be compatible with America’s four largest operators and it’ll work out of the box on the company’s latest flagship phone, the G2. The Korean press release doesn’t say when LG Gate will come to other LG phones or other operators, but I’ve got to think it’s sooner rather than later. What specific things does LG Gate come with? Again, the press release is in Korea, but these things stand out: data encryption, Virtual Private Network (VPN), and mobile device management “MDM”.