Rumors are starting to pick up steam as the G6‘s big debut nears. The latest batch effectively confirm what LG has already teased on at least one occasion. First, according to CNET, the upcoming LG G6 will feature a non-removable battery. That’s a pretty big departure for the Life’s Good crew up to this point for its flagship smartphone lineup. However, the report indicates LG is going the non-removable route this time around because the G6 will indeed be water-resistant, something the company has teased in the past. Additionally, because LG “didn’t want to hold up the launch of the device,” it will launch with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 821 under the hood, and not the Snapdragon 835. We’ve already heard that was going to be the case, because Samsung has first “dibs” on the upcoming high-end processor, so that would indeed line up with what the source said. The report also echoes that the LG G6 will be the first smartphone to launch on the market featuring Google Assistant out of the box, like the Google Pixel and Pixel XL did last year. The LG G6 is set to be showcased on February 26, so we’ll know everything in a month.