He earned a whopping $4 million from gameplay videos alone last year and earned the title of one of themost influential person on the internet. That apparently was only the tip of the iceberg according to a report by Swedish tabloid Expressen.

In the report Expressen says that PewDiePie’s fame is far from slowing down, in fact its only getting started. That boost in fame also means a jump in profits for Kjellberg’s production company PewDiePie Productions AB. In 2014 his company pulled in an shocking $7.45 million.

Unbelievable as those numbers, they make sense when you consider how big PewDiePie’s fan base is and the amount of content he’s released. Currently claiming 37 million subscribers, the highest of any YouTube creator, who tune into over 2,300 videos on his channel.

Each of those videos bring in around a million views inside a day of being uploaded. A view have even brought tens of millions of views over time, which means big revenue for Kjellberg.

That revenue isn’t limited to just Let’s Play videos though, PewDiePie has been branching out recently. He recently starred in a couple South Park episodes focused on Let’s Play videos. He’s also announced This Book Loves You, a parody self-help book that’s being published by a part of Penguin Random House. He’s not stopping there though, he has plans to keep branching out.

He’s signed a deal with Makers Studios, an online content producer owned by Disney, to help expand his presence online. It will be interesting to see how he handles all this new attention.

PewDiePie has already come under fire from gamers who disagree with his content, forcing him to disable YouTube comments on his channel. How will he handle negative book reviews and comments everywhere else?

Source: Expressen