Female pedophile- Know About Pedophilia

  When it comes to topics on sexual abuse, like rape and molestation, cases or stories where men pose as abusers and women are the abused are more prominent and common, while cases or stories of women as abusers and men as the abused aren’t often told widely, but just like men molest and rape, women also molest and rape, in this case, women who sexually abuse children are brought to light. Let’s Know About Pedophilia where Some of these women include:

1. Sophie Elms:

At the age of eighteen, Sophie Elms was named the United Kingdom’s youngest female pedophile and she was sentenced to over four years in prison, she was said to have committed the offence against two toddlers left in her care.

2. Rebecca Holloway:

In most recent times Rebecca Holloway pleaded guilty to rape, sexual assault on children, and distributing indecent images of children, though she has not been sentenced, her case has been pending and awaiting final trial.

3. Vanessa George:

In this case, Vanessa George who got employed as a nursery worker was found guilty of numerous sexual offences against children who were left in her care, not only did she abuse this child she was also said to film and record tapes of the act, she received an indefinite sentence.

4. Lauren Cox:

This is yet another case of a teacher abusing students left in their care, Lauren Cox taught geography, and she pleaded guilty to over two years of sexual intercourse with a child left in her care and was sentenced to over eleven months in prison.

5. Lindsay Massaro:

In this case, female teacher Lindsay Massaro was found guilty of sexual assault against a minor, she had confessed to having a one-week-old sexual relationship with her middle school student, and she was arrested and charged with fourth-degree sexual assault against a minor even though she claimed the relationship was consensual between both parties.

6. Cara Dickey:

This is yet another teacher, who was convicted of sexual assault against a student. Cara Dickey was convicted of raping a minor aged student who was barely above thirteen, she spent over three years in prison and was released and placed in home detention with an ankle bracelet attached to her, it was later discovered that she broke free from the ankle bracelet and escaped until she was later caught again with yet another charge of sexual assault against a minor.

7. Jennifer Lea Burton:

This is a case of a middle-aged teacher and coach who pleaded guilty to an act of sexual misconduct with a minor less than fourteen years of age, the sexual act was said to have lasted over a month, and she was sentenced to prison even though her lawyer had blamed the minor for instigating the sexual act in the first place. 

8. Lisa Lavoie:

This is another female pedophile who was caught having a sexual affair with her student who was less than fifteen years old, she was later placed on probation and asked to stay away from the minor and his family but she was later arrested for breaking the rule. The case between Lisa Lavoie and her student seemed like a case of love as the minor confessed to their romantic relationship, and he admitted to travelling to different parts of the world with her, and the fact that they both understood and loved each other as they both had difficult lives, nonetheless Lisa Lavoie was arrested and charged to prison.

9. Lisa Robyn Marinelli:

This is a case of a forty-year-old substitute teacher, who lured an unsuspecting minor into her home, Lisa Robyn Marinelli had promised to hook the minor with her daughter, and this led to a relationship between Lisa and the minor until it was discovered by the minor’s father through the constant flirty messages Lisa sent to the minor, he reported to the police and had Lisa arrested for sexual abuse.

10. Stephanie Ragusa:

This is a case of a yet another teacher, Stephanie Ragusa was a special needs teacher, she had an accident and broke her feet and was confined to a wheelchair, she had asked the minor to push her wheelchair around school and from there asked him to come over to her apartment where she carried out the sexual act with him, she was caught and apprehended and later sentenced to prison for sexual abuse against a minor.


 Know About Pedophilia where Female pedophiles might not be very recognized but they exist and even though they aren’t treated equally to male pedophiles who face more aggravated charges and consequences, female pedophiles are said to have increased over time due to an increase in the arrest of female sex offenders especially sexual offences against underage children.