In late 2014, Lenovo finished its acquisition of Motorola after initially announcing the its takeover plans in early 2014. The first fruits of the company’s acquisition will start showing up on Motorola’s smartphone lineup from this year, with Moto engineers now having full access to Lenovo’s factories and engineering prowess. Unlike Samsung, HTC and LG, Motorola usually unveils its new flagship handsets towards the middle of the year. So, it should not come as a surprise that Yuanqing Yang, Lenovo’s chief executive officer, speaking at the Davos summit late last week that Motorola’s next smartphone will be launched in the United States in July. The executive further added that this handset will be “more innovative and more attractive” than previous Motorola handsets. While the next flagship phone from Motorola is still six months away from its official unveiling, alleged photos of the handset’s chassis and rear leaked in December last year. The pics showed a metallic frame with a heat pipe and a design language that is unlike what we have seen from Motorola until now. The executive also mentioned that Lenovo will continue to push the Motorola brand in the United States where it has a strong presence to further bolster its sales in the country. Lenovo has already made it clear that it will push the Moto brand in the high-end segment and in countries where its smartphones have primarily done well.