Lipton produced some of experimental 16 mm films in the 1960s, most people of which has short runs of under 10 mins. The Whitney Museum if American Art and Tate Liverpool Museum both provided Let a Thousand Parks Bloom, a 27-minuts documentary on Berkeley’s People’s Park.

Lipton posted two books on equipment and   strategies for independent filmmakers in the ensuing ten years: Independent Film Making (1972) and The Super eight Book (1975). In 1979, a group of his mag articles titled Lipton on Filmmaking was released.

Lenny Lipton wife: Who is Julie Lipton?  Lipton, who’s married to Juilie Lipton, resided in Los Angeles with their 3 youngsters. Lenny Lipton is a completely non-public person, so records approximately his spouse, their wedding ceremony date and length of marriage is unavailable.

— Shalyn Claggett (@BadVictorianist) January 13, 2022