One of the most anticipated new TV shows of 2017, FX’s new Marvel series Legion hits our screens in only a few weeks’ time. The newest superhero to join the ranks of the small screen comic book universe, Legion is the alter-ego of David Haller, the son of Charles Xavier. Starring Dan Stevens (who will also be in Disney’s live-action Beauty and the Beast this year) as David, the show looks to be a truly unique take on the super-powered character. Unlike many other heroes, Legion is not yet even aware that he has powers. Instead, he has spent most of his life in psychiatric hospitals, diagnosed as schizophrenic. Legion picks up as David starts to realize that his problems might not be quite what they seem.

FX has released a new poster and promo clips, including an explosively romantic sunset-centered clip, in the past few weeks, and the teasers just keep coming. Now, the network has released a series of new Legion promo clips, focusing on David, his sister, and a fellow patient.

The clips are very short, each under 30 seconds, and three of the four follow the same format. These three are set in a psychiatrist’s office, with a visual effect used to spin the viewer around as though in a sphere. Each of these clips (featured below) sees a different character talking to the doctor: David Haller, his sister Amy (Katie Aselton), and fellow patient Syd (Rachel Keller). The fourth clip (seen above), titled ‘Unrestrained’, shows Haller in a padded room, bursting free of his straight jacket to release a phenomenal swirling green color.


These clips showcase perfectly the kind of usual visual effects that we are going to see throughout Legion, with brilliant colors and unusual camera angles. They also wonderfully convey the tone of the show, and the central themes of questioning reality and sanity. The clips also give us a few tiny hints as to the content of the series; that Haller was a seemingly normal child, and that his sister isn’t sure if his original diagnosis really explains everything that has happened. This also shows us that the show will be deviating from the comics in a few areas: David doesn’t grow up with a sister in the comics and his powers manifest during a severely traumatic experience. The Syd clip (coupled with the sunset clip released earlier) tell us that there is something about these two characters being brought together that really changes things for David. And finally, ‘Unrestrained’ can be seen as a summary of the show’s premise - a man who is thought to be insane throwing off that label to become something very different.

We are loving the look of the show from these clips (and previous sneak peeks), and although they do not tell us much more about what to expect, these new promos confirm that we are going to see something very different, and very intriguing, in Legion. The colors and effects and phenomenal, and perfectly suit the reality-bending nature of the series, and the cast looks absolutely incredible in action. These promos should also help ensure that any new viewers realize that Legion will not be an X-Men or a superhero series in the traditional sense.

Of course, some may be very disappointed by just how different this series is going to be - and it seems as though we won’t be seeing Haller harness his powers for quite some time. Despite this, the more that we see of Legion, the more excited we get for the premiere on Feb 8th.

Source: FX [via Slashfilm]