One of the main reasons that they call themselves legends instead of heroes on Legends of Tomorrow is because not all of them were heroes before they joined together. Some of them were villains. After all, how can you call yourself heroes if one of your membership killed his family in a fire?

Initially planning on taking advantage of their naive companions, Leonard Snart (Captain Cold) soon began to be influenced by the other Legends and started behaving in a more heroic fashion that he ever had before, in Legends of Tomorrow season 1. At first this was to the confusion and anger of his long time partner in crime Mick Rory (Heatwave), but eventually Rory also became one of the gang. At the end of the first season, in a truly heroic moment, Snart sacrificed himself to save everyone else.

Well, he’s coming back. And not just as a vision in Rory’s head, like he appeared in the first half of season 2. Snart is returning to the show as flesh and bone, though not quite as the team remembers him. While promoting Prison Break at the Television Critics Association’s press tour, Snart’s portrayer Wentworth Miller spoke to EW about Snart’s return:

When Snart was first introduced in the first season of The Flash, he was a pretty hardcore bad guy. At different points on the show, he held Caitlin Snow hostage, kidnapped Cisco, tortured Dante (Cisco’s brother) and murdered his own father. Often he was helped by Rory, as well as by his sister Lisa. There were signs of his potential for good on The Flash, when he stopped killing for awhile more or less on a dare and kept Barry’s identity a secret in exchange for his freedom.

‘My sense is that if Snart comes back into the storyline via his present day incarnation, then he’s a straight up villain… He hasn’t gone on that first season Legends of Tomorrow journey yet, so when we meet him again, quote unquote alive in 2017, I imagine that he’s going to be much like when we first met him the first season on The Flash, which I’m looking forward to, because it means I get to arc to a completely different place.

Now it would appear that an earlier, more evil version of Snart will be teaming up with the Legion of Doom, a team of bad guys already consisting of The Reverse Flash, Damian Darhk, and Malcolm Merlyn. Seeing him joined with their enemies should be a shock to the Legends team, especially his best friend Rory, who remained with the Legends after Snart died and has become an integral part of their heroics. According to Miller, Snart also has strong feelings about seeing Rory as a Legend:

Rory wasn’t the only one who was close to Snart; at the end of Legends of Tomorrow season 1, Sara (White Canary) and Snart shared a kiss, which Miller discussed as well:

‘I think he’d be disappointed. I also think some of that disappointment would steam from being triggered by watching his former buddy, a hard criminal, show a softer, more heroic side, because that might mean to Snart that he, too, is capable of showing a softer, more heroic side. I’m looking forward to their interaction for sure.’

Overall, it looks like the return of Captain Cold is going to stir up some old emotions and cause a great deal of confusion for the Legends - which may very well be what the Legion of Doom has in mind.

I’m also looking forward very much to whatever the writers have in store as far as Snart as White Canary. There was a kiss, remembered by White Canary, but not Snart.’

Moving to a new night, Legends of Tomorrow returns to The CW with ‘Raiders of the Lost Art’ on Tuesday, Jan. 24th.

Source: EW