A reference to the Newcastle Crew in the latest episode of Legends of Tomorrow suggests that the series will be continuing the story of the short-lived Constantine series. Furthermore, the episode suggested a twist that teases an entirely new avenue of exploration from the original storyline in the comics.

The Swamp Thing comics of Alan Moore (which introduced the character of blue-collar warlock John Constantine) and Jamie Delano’s Hellblazer series that followed established Constantine as part of a group of occultists, some of whom had formed a band together. Known as the Newcastle Crew, they were all present for the incident which would forever define John Constantine’s life; his failure to save a girl named Astra Logue from a demon, which ended with Astra trapped in Hell and John losing his soul. Over the years that followed, the Newcastle Crew’s connection to John Constantine doomed them to similar fates and their ghosts gathered to haunt him after their deaths.

The NBC Constantine series made reference to all of this, with its central plot taken from Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing storyline involving a “rising darkness” and several members of the Newcastle Crew in guest appearances. Legends of Tomorrow continued the story in season 4, with Astra Louge having been established as ascended to demonhood after years in Hell and having acquired power enough that she was not interested in Constantine’s offer to return her to Earth and a normal human life. Astra is now the chief villain of Legends of Tomorrow season 5, being the demon responsible for sending various damned souls back to Earth to wreak havoc across the timeline.

Legends of Tomorrow season 5, episode 4, “Slay Anything,” added a new wrinkle to the story and a change to the Newcastle Crew from the comics. The final scene showed Constantine preparing to confront something behind a sealed door in a house that he and the Newcastle Crew had shared years earlier. Constantine explained to fellow Legend Charlie that he needed to consult with a powerful witch who had once been part of the Newcastle Crew on how to best handle Astra and the “encores” she was sending to Earth. Unfortunately, the witch in question was Astra’s mother and she had returned from the grave as a vengeful ghost seeking revenge on Constantine for failing to save her daughter.

In the original Hellblazer comics, Astra’s mother was never mentioned, much less part of the Newcastle Crew. By contrast, Astra’s father, Alex Louge, had been the owner of a club in Newcastle where John Constantine’s band had played on multiple occasions. A bit of a scumbag even by the standards of the people Constantine worked with in his younger days, Alex Louge threw many wild parties and did little to stop his guests from interfering with his pre-teen daughter. This resulted in Astra accidentally summoning a demon while trying to defend herself from her father’s guests and Constantine’s ill-advised attempt to banish the first demon by summoning a larger demon to scare it off.

It remains to be seen how Legends of Tomorrow will make use of Astra’s mother and if she will prove to be an ally or one more enemy Constantine must outwit. It is also unclear just how much of Astra’s decidedly dark background regarding her father will make it into the nominally comedic show. The only thing that seems certain is that the John’s war with the Rising Darkness seems to have been renewed and will play a major role in the season to come.

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