Keep your pants on, though, because we’re not talking about anything official here. Sorry for the false hope; it’s a fan game.

Justin Sink over at Dream Mix has released an Alpha download of this fan game where it seems to be using RPG Maker type tools for you to mess with and create your own The Legend of Zelda-type dungeon levels to play or just share and destroy the mental stability of your friends with difficult stuff.

According to other mentions of this Alpha form, this is a new release from its vague infancy back in September, now developed enough to be ranked Alpha.

An address in the video description mentions that there were copyright claims against the previous version’s music, but it has since been re-released with all original Zelda-styled music that might even end up in the final version.

Alongside this game preview of course is a download link (or several). If you want to try your hand at what Sink has created so far, now is your chance. You can check out download links at the video page on YouTube.

Sink has also announced in the comments that he will share other gamers’ game play videos and let’s plays over his Twitter.

As for whether or not Nintendo would make a real and official version? Much of the internet is doubtful. The blame lies on the complexity of it, but who knows? Maybe Sink can prove to Nintendo it’s possible.

Until then, if you want to check it out, I’d suggest doing it while you still can. Sink/Dream Mix has acknowledged that there may be cease and desist efforts from Nintendo at any time, so get in there.