The Avatar: The Last Airbender series was extremely popular with fans because of its great worldbuilding, interesting characters, and diverse storytelling. The world continues on with The Legend of Korra series, and there are still many fans of these two series and their characters. The characters from The Legend of Korra are all unique people with different personalities. As such, it’s interesting to think about their differences and which Hogwarts house they would belong in.

Here are the main characters from The Legend of Korra sorted into Hogwarts houses.


Kuvira is one of the most fascinating villains from the series, and hse is definitely a Slytherin. She is an extremely shrewd leader in both politics as well as the military, and she has many traits from the house.

One thing about Slytherin that many people miss is that they are often good leaders. They are great at uniting people, even if they don’t always use the purest means. In this way, Kuvira is definitely a great example of a Slytherin. She is also cunning and resourceful and extremely ambitious.


While Kurvira represents some of the worst things about the Slytherin house, Lin Beifong is another character who would do well in Slytherin but who represents some of the more positive traits.

She is an extremely loyal character, and, while that might seem to make her a Gryffindor, the fact is that Slytherins can also be extremely loyal to causes and people. She is also an extremely resourceful person, and she’s not as outright loud and reckless in the way that a Gryffindor is although she is quite brave.


Jinora, Tenzin’s eldest daughter, is a pretty obvious Ravenclaw. She is an extremely smart character who loves to read. She comes across as quite wise, and she also is a more intellectual person. Plus, she’s someone who is quite in touch with her spiritual and creative sides.

In this way, she definitely exemplifies most of the main traits of Ravenclaw house. She’s extremely caring but also independent, and it’s clear that her inner world and intellect are important to her.


Tenzin is another character who definitely belongs in Ravenclaw. He represents a slightly different side of Ravenclaw than his daughter, however. While he’s definitely someone who focuses most of his energy on intellectual and spiritual pursuits, he can also be a bit distant and removed.

These are all things that Ravenclaw house is known for. He is quite a wise character. But, on the less positive side of Ravelcaw, he can also be someone who doesn’t listen well to others and is somewhat set in his ways.


Meelo is Tenzin and Pema third child and first son. He is definitely a character that is used often in Legend of Korra as comic relief. He’s mostly a young child in the series, and he is someone who has a silly sense of humor but is still caring.

The fact that he’s not particularly intellectually focused or extremely cunning means that he likely wouldn’t do as well in Ravenclaw or Slytherin. While he might also be a good fit for Gryffindor, his overall good nature and playful spirit make him a good fit for Hufflepuff.


Opal is another character who would belong in Hufflepuff even though she has a very different personality than Meelo. She is overall extremely kind and easygoing. She can be a little on the shy side but is overall a welcoming person.

Her good heart and loyalty to her friends as well as her willingness to work hard would make her a perfect fit for Hufflepuff. While her friendly personality might mask this at first, she is extremely dedicated and disciplined especially as she learns how to airbend.


Mako is a character that is difficult to place in one house or another, so it makes the most sense to see him as a split of two houses.

He has many Slytherin traits such as being extremely resourceful and cunning which were skills he had to cultivate when living on the streets and taking care of Bolin. But, he also has a side that is more focused on doing the right thing and following rules, and he can also be quite brave, loyal, and courageous.


Bolin is a character that makes the most sense in Hufflepuff. In fact, he’s quite the Hufflepuff through and through.

For one thing, he is extremely friendly, and he’s also very tolerant and fair. He’s really loyal to his friends, and he has a great deal of patience when dealing with a group of such strong personalities like Mako and Korra. He can also be rather hard-working and dedicated when he needs to be.


Asami is another character that is difficult to place into one house. She could fit well into Slytherin, but she also has some Ravenclaw traits. However, overall, she has more Slytherin traits and represents the best of that house.

She is very determined and ambitious, especially when it comes to running her father’s company and helping Team Korra. Plus, she exemplifies the loyalty of Slytherin house to people that she cars about. She’s also a little more on the reserved side and has an air of sophistication that makes her great as a Slytherin.


Korra is the main character, and she’s definitely a Gryffindor. She is extremely confident, a little reckless, and very courageous. She is someone who cares about doing the right thing, and she will fight for what she thinks is right.

She can be too brash and take things too far at times, but she’s definitely extremely brave and loyal. She’s definitely the hero of the story, and she exemplifies some of the best and worst traits of Gryffindor.