There have been some truly amazing fights that were choreographed nearly perfectly in the sequel show to the beloved Avatar: The Last Airbender. The show features Avatar Korra along with her allies having to work together in some intense battles against very powerful foes throughout the four-season run. The Legend of Korra brought back some familiar bending techniques from the old show as well as introducing some brand new ones.

The fights in this show kept getting better and better with the animation improving as well as more strong characters being introduced. From epic showdowns between siblings to Korra taking on powerful nonbenders, here are the top 10 best fight scenes in The Legend of Korra.

Korra vs Amon - “Endgame”

After having her bending taken away by Amon, Korra discovers that she’s gained the element that she could never master, Airbending. She does lose her ability to bend other elements (for now) but she’s able to throw Amon off and stop him for good. She manages to save Mako from having his firebending taken away and fights off Amon’s bloodbending hold on her. After this, Amon is revealed to not be the scarred nonbender that everyone believed he was, but a waterbender that played the people of Republic City with lies.

Tenzin vs Zaheer - “The Ultimatum”

Tenzin is an amazing Airbender and his skills are really shown in this fight against Zaheer. This fight felt so satisfying after Zaheer had spent so much time talking about Airbending as if he was already a master. Zaheer is no match for the son of the Airbending Master, Aang. Tenzin shows that he’s a true successor that’s been taught well from his father’s knowledge passed down to him. He makes a fool of Zaheer who spends most of the fight running away and barely lands a single hit on Tenzin.

Aang vs Yakone - “Out of the Past”

In a trial scene involving Amon’s father, Yakone. Sokka, Toph, and Aang are knocked out by Yakone’s powerful bloodbending. Aang is able to get up and chase after Yakone but not before almost being killed with the vicious bloodbending technique.

Just like he did in the original show to Firelord Ozai, Aang takes away Yakone’s bending using the Avatar State to stop him for good. This flashback is interesting as it ties in with Amon and Tarrlok’s past and explains how they both were trained on how to perform bloodbending without a full moon.

Korra vs Unalaq/Vaatu - “Light in the Dark”

This fight has once of the coolest concepts in the entire show, Korra taking on a dark Avatar that she’s almost no match against. Unalaq’s Avatar State powers are superior to Korra’s. Unalaq’s rage combined with the power of the dark spirit, Vaatu makes him one very powerful villain. We get to see both Korra and Unalaq (fused with Vaatu) fight as extremely tall titan sized beings. Korra demonstrates that she is the true Avatar and nobody is going to take her place. She defeats Unalaq and imprisons Vaatu in the spirit world for good.

Korra vs Kuvira - “The Battle of Zaofu”

In an effort to stop a rising threat, Avatar Korra confronts Kuvira who is trying to take control of the city of Zaofu. Korra is rusty and out of training, she’s been through a lot and isn’t half the Avatar she once was. She’s still learning to let go of the past that haunts her and that shows a lot here.

This fight is very reminiscent of the first Batman vs Bane scene in The Dark Knight Rises. Kuvira is shown as the better and stronger bender while Korra is constantly outsmarted. The Avatar is forced to enter the Avatar State but still finds herself unable to stop Kuvira because of the demons still haunting her and is defeated.

Korra vs The Lieutenant - “And the Winner Is…”

Amon’s second in command is surprisingly a powerful foe for Korra. He’s clearly been trained on how to counter the moves of a bender with his chi-blocking technique and has no fear towards Korra being the Avatar. In this fight, we see both Korra and the Lieutenant in an intense battle with Republic City in the background. The music does very well here at transforming the scene into a memorable battle. A cool thing in this fight is that Korra doesn’t rely heavily on her bending as she notices it doesn’t seem to have much effect. Instead, she uses it when she can surprise her opponent and thus she’s able to take down the Lieutenant.

Suyin Beifong vs Lin Beifong - “Old Wounds”

The best part about this fight isn’t even the physical battle, it’s the trash talk between the two sisters, Suyin Beifong and Lin Beifong that makes the fight so intense. We’re able to see that these two have a lot of things they need to work out. They’re very different people but still deeply care for one another. Korra and Bolin just kind of awkwardly stand watching the two work out their problems. The Beifong sisters are both extremely skilled Earth and Metal Benders. That’s shown very well in this fight and it’s amazing to see how much metal-bending has evolved since Toph invented it in the original show.

Korra vs Zaheer - “Venom of the Red Lotus”

In the original show, Aang had some extremely tough battles. However compared to Korra’s, he didn’t have to go through as much as she had to endure. In this fight, Korra takes on the evil Red Lotus leader, Zaheer. After being poisoned by Zaheer in an effort to stop the Avatar cycle for good, Korra still manages to break free.

Korra is determined to protect what she’s responsible for and feels the repercussions of the damage already done. She is much stronger than Zaheer estimated her to be, especially with the power of her friends. She’s able to put a stop to him for good but is unfortunately left with mental scars that carry into the final season.

Mako & Bolin vs Ming Hua & Ghazan - “Venom of the Red Lotus”

In this fight, Mako and Bolin both take on Ming Hua & Ghazan, members of the Red Lotus aiding Zaheer in his master plan of killing Avatar Korra. These fight scenes showcase a ton of amazing firebending, earthbending, and introduce Bolin’s newfound ability to Lavabend. Mako’s fight gives off heavy Avatar: The Last Airbender Book 3 Zuko vibes as he fights without using rage as his fuel and uses lightning to put an end to Ming Hua. After stopping her, Mako helps Bolin defeat Ghazan in an epic brotherly fashion.

Avatar Wan vs Vaatu - “Beginnings, Part 2”

In this episode, we get to see the origin of Avatar Wan, the first Avatar. He starts as a young man living in poverty, stealing food for his friends. He becomes attached to the spirits that humanity has no care for and learns their ways, eventually befriending a spirit named Raava. The spirit, Raava entrusts him with the ability to bend elements and he fights against a dark spirit named Vaatu. With that not being enough, Wan and Raava have no choice but to become one forever, thus making him the first Avatar. The animation in this fight scene is breathtaking and one of the most memorable in the whole show.