The game’s community have taken to the forums and with a variety of posts regarding the announcement – from a petition to save the game’s production to requests to see the development of unreleased content. Some have even blamed the game’s in-game costs for the title’s failure, but the answer is likely something much more simple. Community manager Oghamsmith released a post discussing the game’s termination, and remarked that, “ultimately its audience hasn’t grown enough to sustain ongoing operations”. At the rate games are released nowadays, this can often be the case with multiplayer shooters. We have seen the same with other titles that have closed their servers, such as Brink and Dust 514.

Produced by Square Enix, Nosgoth was a third person shooter in which players either took control of vicious and dexterous vampires or the humans who opposed them. The game is established in the dark fantasy world of the older Eidos games Legacy of Kain and Soul Reaver; both of which played as Metroidvania styled games. It’s always sad to see a game leave development, and hopefully this won’t be the last we see of this franchise.