Legacies, the second spin-off of the popular Vampire Diaries, features their supernatural children. In Season 1, Hope, the miracle daughter of Hayley and Klaus, served as the main character. She is the ultimate legacy, having a powerful grandmother as one of the original witches, a hybrid Alpha werewolf as a mother, and the original hybrid vampire/werewolf as a father. In Season 2, we see more of the legacies in the plot, especially Josie and Lizzie, the last of the Gemini coven, and the daughters to Caroline, Jo, and Alaric. Even Landon is a legacy as the successful son/creation of the Malivore beast, and he gets more attention since he’s learning about his powers as a phoenix

So who misses out? Plenty of side characters and potential main characters.  In order for this to be more of an ensemble cast and story, we’d like to see more of these side characters.


We haven’t seen Roman since Season 1, and when we saw him, it was just briefly. He helped Hope out during a difficult time when she began to spiral out in her grief. We know Roman more from The Originals when he distracted Hope and was part of the plan to kill Hayley and harm her father. To his credit, he was roped in the plan by his mother and didn’t know her full intent.

Still, he was Hope’s first crush. Luckily, she forgave him, but the tension that his presence brings could be interesting in Hope’s connection to her past. In addition, he’s trying to make up for previous actions, be a better vampire, and his tale of redemption could add to Legacies. We also wonder if he could be part of the reason why Ric now has the rule that he’ll only accept teenage/new vampires, rather than ones alive long enough to have intense grudges.


Emma is someone whom Ric trusts with the worst parts of him, like when he called on her to help him send dangerous students to the prison world. She also is a healer and is frequently called on by the students. As a witch, she works to bring them together to celebrate tradition and their powers. She’s a positive role model, and we wonder how she came to the school.

While we know why Dorian is there since he was introduced in The Vampire Diaries as student assistant to Ric, Emma is more mysterious.


In Season 1, we saw more of Rafael, but in Season 2 he’s developed into a supporting role. Basically, he serves as primarily Landon’s friend and brother-figure. Rafael’s story is potentially more interesting. He stayed in wolf form for a long time, which means that he is still adjusting. The whole reason he was in wolf form to begin with is because of Hope. Yet, Hope hasn’t suffered many consequences for changing Rafael. Likewise, she let him stay a wolf while she moped about Landon when she first returned from Malivore.

To add to his story, Rafael just discovered a family member. We want to learn more about his lineage. Some fans claim that he isn’t interesting. We claim that he could be if he were given more screen time.


Caroline, once a main character on The Vampire Diaries and a desired guest star on The Originals, is now nothing but a distant voice on the other end of a phone. We don’t even get to hear her voice. She is as side as a character can be, yet she’s the fierce and loving mom of Josie and Lizzie; she’s also one of the reasons why the school even exists.

Multiple characters mention her, but we have yet to see her. It doesn’t make sense that this fierce mom would stay far away in Europe meanwhile her daughters are in danger. It’s out of character, and we’re getting tired of not seeing or hearing more from Caroline. It doesn’t make sense.


A new witch was introduced, Drusilla, when Landon assembled a squad to take down a “Cupid”. Some fans say that her name and character is a nod of the infamous Drusilla of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. We fully support that possibility. While Drusilla is barely on the show, she left an impact. She’s an interesting witch, who shows how different the witches are who aren’t from the “in” crowd. Drusilla isn’t popular, but she’s fully herself, which makes us applaud her and want to know her better. Perhaps, she can supply the subtle sarcasm and reality-checks that the group needs.

Ethan and Maya

Now, what happened to the human siblings’ story lines? They were both interesting and provided an extra layer to Legacies. Although we understand why Hope had to go back to the supernatural school once everyone’s memories of her returned, we loved her at the regular Mystic Falls High School. She had met a good friend in Maya, and a potential love interest in Ethan.

Also, we saw Josie turn more dark with Ethan, using black magic to hurt him. We wonder–did he heal? Can he still play football? Did Hope heal him? So many unanswered questions. Having more humans around could help out our group. It could ground them, and it would present more layers to their stories.


Now that we met Jade, a vampire student that Ric and Emma once sent to a prison world for punishment, we want to know her more. We know that young Josie really looked up to Jade. We also know that Jade is a Ripper, like MG, and she could help him fight his tendencies like she once fought hers. In addition, we could meet the fire witch, Wendy, more through Jade. It could be that Jade was meant as a one-off; the pity is that they created such an interesting character in that we want more of her.

Kaleb and MG

Kaleb and MG are somewhat side and main characters. Their friendship is fresh and interesting. Also, Kaleb has become a more rounded character. We want more of them and their friendship. Since we spent a lot of time focusing on Hope, then Josie and Lizzie, and then Landon, we’ve missed out on these other rich characters. They should return to the squad. Let’s see them all work together more consistently as they once were starting to do.

Kaleb may seem harsh, but he has a strong moral compass and cares for his friends. MG is sweet and quirky, and he’s learning to control his Ripper tendencies. So far, aside from MG with Lizzie, these two seem disconnected from the others in the group. If they are truly all good friends, we need to see it.


The Necromancer found himself attached to one thing in this world–Chad, his coworker and friend. Chad believed in the Necromancer. When the Necromancer was down and depressed, Chad encouraged him to keep trying to get his old power back. For certain, Chad probably didn’t realize that the Necromancer would kill and resurrect him, or maybe he would have supported the Necromancer less.

Still, even though Chad is a follower and remains somewhat controlled by the Necromancer, he has a moral compass and doesn’t want to hurt people. Chad could be the only character who humanizes the Necromancer, which is one of the many reasons that we need to see more of him.


Legacies has started to introduce us to many interesting characters. In Landon, we have a phoenix, a rare being. And in Wade, contrary to those who mocked him and didn’t believe that he was one, we have a fairy. We see that he has wings and other powers. Wade researched his potential origins before he could confirm that he’s a fairy. To find out more about his background and how his family saved him, would be interesting. After all, who is he in the fairy world? How was he saved, and who saved him? He also could be a legacy of the fairy kingdom.