Legacies is the second spin-off of the popular The Vampire Diaries. In it, we see Hope (the daughter of an original vampire and a werewolf) navigate the supernatural world and cope with intense grief. Members of her family sacrificed their freedom and some, their lives, to save her. Hope represents the redemption for all their past deeds. All of which is a lot of pressure to put on one person.

In addition, we have Josie and Lizzie, Alaric and Caroline’s gifted twin daughters. Saved by their coven in The Vampire Diaries when the coven transported them from Jo’s womb to Caroline’s when Jo was killed by her brother, they represent the last of their coven. Hope and the twins attend the Salvatore School for the Gifted, a school Caroline and Alaric run to teach and protect supernatural children.

Season 1 was a strong season with a number of reveals, keeping us intrigued and making us want to watch another season.

Caroline Is Searching for a Way to Save the Twins

We long wondered why Caroline wasn’t in the show. While she was frequently mentioned by the twins and Alaric, we didn’t see The Vampire Diaries fan favorite. Since being an active mother and supporting the school is very important to Caroline, it didn’t make sense. That is, until we found out the reason why Caroline isn’t there. She has been looking for a way to save her children.

In the Gemini Coven, once twins reach 22 years old, they do the Merge. The Merge is where the twins fight, the stronger twin absorbing and killing the weaker one. Obviously, she wants both of her children to live, and while Alaric managed the school, Caroline scoured the globe for magic that would prevent The Merge from happening.

The Unicorn Is Infected!

Monsters come to the school in order to find keys that will unlock Malivore, a vast emptiness where a supernatural being  (Golem/Malivore) traps other supernatural beings. Each episode features a different monster. When the unicorn arrives, people don’t feel frightened at first. The unicorn seems innocent, and the unicorn really isn’t the danger. However, the parasite that infected the unicorn is dangerous, infecting others and mind-controlling even the most powerful witches at the school.

MG Is A Ripper

MG, a vampire, is well-trusted at the school. Alaric counts on his leadership. In addition, he is a good friend to Hope and the twins. He seems a team player and someone you would want on your side.

However, human blood makes him thirst beyond restraint. Just like Stefan (although not as bad), he is a ripper. We hope that MG learns to control the ripper urges. Redeemed at the end of Season 1, he works to resist the urge.

Land0n Is A Phoenix

Good guy Landon (Hope’s romantic interest) wants to stay at the school with his best friend, Rafael, who is a werewolf. However, Landon appears to be perfectly normal, which means that he can’t stay at the school. Still, despite the supernatural tests that Hope has Landon do in which he proves himself to be a normal human, there remains doubt. Finally, it’s revealed (and luckily so), that Landon is a phoenix.

All stand around mourning Landon, thinking that he’s dead, and then we see Landon burn back to life.

Damon & Elena Have Kids

Damon and Elena of The Vampire Diaries are mentioned in an episode where Lizzie experiences alternate worlds in which Hope hasn’t come to the school and/or doesn’t exist. In one of those experiences, Josie tells Lizzie that Damon and Elena have been generous with their donations to the school, but that they need to focus on their own children. We hope that Legacies brings Damon and Elena’s kids to the show, at least for a cameo.

Klaus Is Looking Over Hope

Hope worries about her father and finds out what happened to him from the necromancer, a monster sent by Malivore. He tells her that Klaus died with love in his heart and doesn’t regret his decision.

Additionally, Klaus watches over Hope everyday, but won’t be at peace until she is more content in life. We wonder if this means that there could be a Hope/Klaus reunion in the next season.

Landon’s Bio-Family Is the Worst

Growing up in foster care, Landon yearns to know his biological family. When he does, it may be that he wishes he didn’t know. While his mother is human and tried her best to protect him, his father is not. Landon learns from his brother (a supernatural being created from clay) that Malivore is their father.

Disappointed in the brother, Malivore found a way to create Landon through using strands of other supernatural and human beings, rather than clay. So, Landon’s father, is literally the worst, a supernatural being with no compassion or connection to humanity.

Alaric Feared His Students

Alaric, the headmaster of the school, actually helped create a way to nullify the students’ magic in the school. It was a contingency plan to be used in case the students got out of control and hurt humans. However, the plan was used by others to harm the supernatural students, rather than protect the community from them.

When this comes out to the students, the teachers, and the school board, they feel betrayed by Alaric’s actions. Alaric was both trusted and respected by everyone, so this was a massive betrayal for all.

Josie Tried To Keep Hope & Lizzie From Being Friends

Throughout most of the first season, Lizzie and Hope don’t care for each other. Their animosity stems partly from something that Lizzie was told that Hope said when they were younger. Lizzie has a spark of the Gemini Coven’s out-of-control nature, and she struggles to keep it down. Most of her life has been about that struggle. She heard that Hope had made fun of her because of it.

Lizzie and Hope find out that Josie made the story up to keep the two of them apart. Josie had a crush on Hope, and she didn’t want Lizzie and Hope to become close. All this season, Lizzie and Hope fought. However, after this reveal, we see them becoming friends. Still, we wish that Lizzie and Hope had been friends all along since they understand each other at a deeper level (both have powers that they can’t always control).

Hope Is the Key To Locking Malivore

Hope is a unique creation. She is a triad, the first of her kind. This means that she is a witch, a werewolf, and a vampire (although her vampire trait hasn’t been triggered yet since she is still alive). The Malivore was created by witches, vampires, and werewolves, part of the reason that he leaves those particular supernatural beings alone.

When he becomes more dangerous, almost returning to a more solid form, Hope realizes that she can stop him due to being a triad. Finally, she sees how her uniqueness is a gift, a key to save those she cares about.