On Monday, the conversion scale of the Lebanese pound declined to 39,000 against the dollar, down from the past record low of 36,600 on September 13, Elnashra news site revealed.


Mounir Younes, a financial specialist, credited the further breakdown of the Lebanese money to the defer in the development of another bureau and fears of an official halt upon the finish of the term of occupant President Michel Aoun on October 31.

As per Younes, Lebanese shippers have as of late expanded their imports to get big amounts of items in front of the ascent in the traditions dollar rate.

“For this reason the interest for US dollar expanded, which prompted a further breakdown of the Lebanese pound,” he said.

In May this year, the Lebanese pound sank to another notable low when the conversion scale of the cash declined to 34,000 against the US dollar.

Starting around 2019, Lebanon has been experiencing an uncommon monetary emergency that brought about the breakdown of the neighborhood money.

Hit by interweaved political, financial and wellbeing emergencies, Lebanon’s destitution rate currently has increased to more than 74%, as per the World Bank.