
Leap, creators of the Mac and PC 3D motion-tracking device, announced this morning that it will begin shipping its Leap Motion on May 13. Last May, Leap announced it would open up pre-orders for the device for $69.99.

With today’s announcement, Leap raised the price of the controller $10 dollars; $79.99 is the new retail price. Leap also announced that starting today Best Buy would take pre-orders for the device with a May 19 delivery date…

If you pre-ordered the device last year, Leap said it’ll prioritize orders by date. If you were one of the first to order, expect to get your Leap sooner than later.

Our review of an early demo unit of the Leap from January concluded that while the Leap is a promising device, more advance software was needed to make it excel. A second review (with updated software) proved to us that the Leap is in fact the device we were looking for.

You can head to Leap’s website now and pre-order the device (or Best Buy if you prefer).

Source: Leap Motion