We’re not ashamed of admitting we’re huge fans of the Leap Motion 3D controller.  The original video blew us away. However, after getting a developer demo, we were perhaps a little more skeptical about whether the company could meet its lofty goals as soon as it expected.

Today, we took some time from Macworld to head over to the Leap offices in SoMa San Francisco and check out its latest builds of the device. More importantly, the software (which is the company’s secret sauce) that goes along with it.

The device turns on immediately, and you’ll only see two small red lights from the top. The device is very iPhone-like in design, as you’ve probably noticed.

The ability to pick up five fingers was there immediately, unlike in our developer demo, and the motion was fast enough to play games like fruit ninja without a hiccup. Here’s a quick three-minute demo:


The video probably can’t show you how responsive and accurate the device actually is, but it picks up and detects microscopic movements from all 10 fingers. The software parses the data so developers can incorporate the movement into their UIs with the SDK.

Leap is incredibly excited about working with developers, and we’re already seeing some great applications.

Check a video of the point cloud of raw data, below:
