The latest version of Android, version 4.4 KitKat, doesn’t exactly offer too many user facing features. Regardless of that, hardcore Android fans always want to be on the latest and greatest, or at least know when they can expect to be updated. Thanks to a leaked Samsung memo given to TechAddict, it looks like the wait won’t be too long.

Owners of the Galaxy S4 and the Galaxy Note 3, Samsung’s respective spring and fall 2013 flagship phones, can look forward to being on KitKat in a hair over two months. Owners of the Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note II, last year’s hero phones, will have to wait until either the end of Q1 or the start of Q2. That’s a good four to five months away, which sounds like a lot, but it’ll zoom by. And hey, by the time May rolls around, we’ll probably see Android 4.5 or even 5.0. How does this leaked Samsung memo compare to the schedule from other phone makers? It’s pretty much the same. HTC has already said the One will get KitKat by January. And Sony has said the same. It’s HTC’s older devices, as well as Sony’s, that I worry about. People give Samsung a lot of grief over TouchWiz and build quality issues, but at least they care about two year old phones. The same can’t be said about other firms, even Google.