Since the Season 2 patch released on May 23, 2012, new champions and certain skins, such as the legendary skins, have received special recall animations that haven’t failed to further entertain LoL players with Riot’s infamous humor and fun style! On top of that, older champions that have been reworked on have also been given new recall animations to fully complete their upgraded re-designs.
After looking over all the different recall animations from the 114 League champions currently available, I’ve compiled a list of the Top 5 Best Recall Animations:
5. Oktoberfest Gragas
I love Gragas with a passion, but he’s a little too distracting for me to actually play because he makes me laugh too hard! How can you not love this drunken, fat man…who chucks barrels (of all things)!? The Oktoberfest Gragas skin’s recall animation further proves my point of why I just can’t take Gragas seriously…
4. Neon Strike Vi
Step aside Caitlyn, “Piltover’s finest” face-smasher has got one pretty sweet recall animation! Vi is the hardcore, loud-mouthed bruiser who likes beating the living crap out of…well…just about everything. The Neon Strike Vi’s recall animation has her perform a few quick poses, similar to Franky from the popular Japanese anime One Piece. I personally think this recall compliments her fun personality…it certainly caught me off-guard when I first saw it!
3. Panda Annie
Annie may be called, “the Dark Child,” but she’s still an adorable little girl! The Panda Annie skin recall animation features Annie hugging her Chinese New Year’s-inspired bear Tibbers in a way that just makes you say, “Dawwww!” (Her respawn is equally cute and hilarious).
2. Gladiator Draven
Oh, Draven…you just can’t help but love him sometimes! The Gladiator Draven recall animation says it all:
1. Ghost Bride Morgana
Inspired by the tale of La Llorona that’s told across Latin America, this latest Morgana skin was featured in Riot’s Latin America server launch and is now available on all servers! As described on Riot’s League of Legends website:
You don’t want to mess around with Ghost Bride Morgana!
What are your favorite League of Legends recall animations? Let me know by leaving a comment!