Leadership – How does it impact management?

Leadership has a direct relationship with an organisation in terms of cause and effect. It determines cultural change tolerance, determining value and employee motivation. Shaping strategies to include effectiveness and execution. If to view the perspective of leadership then there is a necessity to understand the exchange of power and utilising secure outcomes. Understanding different ropes well increases the vocabulary to discuss on this meaningful topic to attain the desired result. Bearing on this leaders could equally create quality as an enormously wearing incident in an organisation. Transformation on the base of leadership offers systematic and intensive review which enriches the research opportunities and advances the knowledge.

Let us take autocratic and democratic leadership theories. To understand autocratic leaders or their mentality it is necessary to look for the type of people who have a clear set of verses “do as I say”. Typically inexperienced leaders with leadership trust are generally autocratic (Purwanto et.al. 2020). For this kind of people exercising an autocratic leadership behaviour assessment for their position involved in people management can damage organisations repairability and does their followers could execute the same strategy or service that might narrow the base of subjective idea. Through this theory it could be understood that little motivation and executed strategy might  become coercion.

For a democratic leadership which sounds exactly as it is a leader with its group lead together. Every leader following this leadership theory is egalitarian by core. But people following democratic theory get frustrated by putting enormous effort in building consensus for even the most mundane decision. Democratic leadership leads to problems because of underlying assumptions. Everyone in this leadership stays at an equal stake and needs to to accept the outcome shared starting from the expert level to the general one. In terms of democratic leadership the theory sounds good but often gets bogged down because of slow process and what cable result requires enormous amount of effort.

Theory explanation

This leadership theory of autocratic style came up in formal studies when Kurt Lewin in his article “American journal and society” wrote about it, in the 1930s. This autocratic leadership is also known as autocratic and leadership that mainly characterise individual control over a decision and a very little input as a group member. Autocratic leaders are typically known for their toys making based judgement and ideas which really acknowledge advice from followers. While exercising this kind of leadership style sometimes becomes a mostly useful and dependent factor for a situation where the task group is not working accordingly but the primary character leaves the group to feel like they are being trusted or provided less importance to. Also This triggers the tendency of building a rigid environment discouraging creativity and establishing trends and rules which clearly outline communication.

Democratic theory of leadership was also proposed by Kurt Lewin; this is a universal phenomena and history of humans. Democratic leadership plays a crucial role in democratic movement. To immediate Sahab bonds for which leader is being cross examined scores the leaders table to provide information regarding themselves to your followers so that they are able to highlight their perception. Decision making is the main criteria of this leadership theory. variation makes a major difference in styling leadership. Putting statements regarding involving people in the process of decision making is a main criteria of this theory and according to the ratings followers and leaders are slightly overrated being involved with democratic leadership. Democratic leaders are found to be trusted and confident in their employees circle and encourage every participant to get involved in the decision making process.

Theory Application 

This Autocratic theory is best used when there is a need to access control. To execute this leadership attitude in the IT sector it is very necessary to select the time of contingence or emergency. In such a situation unexpected disruption of power could be possessed over a large group. This helps in meeting tight deadlines, rankings coming out of norm situations etc. In the IT sectors it is very necessary to meet the deadline negotiated with the deadline of external agencies or departments interfering in the consultation and decision making process. To exercise an autocratic leadership style, an effective and appropriate nature of the working environment could be established with centralised control. Leaders responsible for providing details and instruction are given responsibility for making decisions so that the precision of walk is being maintained with cardinal importance.

This perception of democratic leadership could be considered as shared leadership in this type of style group takes a participative role in the decision making process. Every organisation working in the IT field has experienced a downfall in terms of marketing in this kind of situation leaders need to exert moral values in the decision-making process. Because in IT organisations there are groups to perform task encouragement is very necessary hence democratic leadership could lead to more creative and better ideas to solve a problem. Every member feeling committed towards the project could bring out better results at the end.

Critical Evaluation

As proposed by Haider et.al. (2015) autocratic leadership to be beneficial some time there are also instances when this leadership style creates problems. People get abusive by Nature exercising an autocratic leadership style. It is often controlled by the group members of the employees that the leader becomes bossy, dictatorial and controlling. This resulted in resentment in the group. Also  Batool et.al. (2017) mentioned group members might end up feeling like they have no importance for input in performing the task which particularly creates problems when capable members are not given proper parity within the team to contribute their knowledge that might result in failure of a project under the autocratic leadership. Kars and Inandi (2018) have argued that if autocratic behaviour is being exerted within an organisation then the leader have to think observe the situation in a sympathetic way so that it’s become easy to work with the members and bring out their full potential as exerting an autocratic leadership is is having updated side in terms of management but giving value to the team members and making them feel worthy the is very important to generate fruitful result.

As proposed by Kars and Inandi (2018), democratic leadership could be described as an effective leadership style but does have some potential downsides. In situations where the role becomes unclear or the time is less democratic leadership might lead to incomplete projector communication failure. NAGENDRA  and FAROOQUI (2016) Also said in some situations group members might be having necessary expertise or knowledge to make quality contributions in terms of decision making. Democratic leadership code results in team members feeling to be less important and their Idea or opinion not getting in count which in some situations main lowdown employee morale and satisfaction. As debited by  Haider et.al. (2015), if you want to exert democratic leadership style you must understand the situation and timeliness to allow the group members to provide their opinion. As it is very necessary to have an organised structure so to maintain subgroups it is sometimes required to perform strictly and show one of the ideas provided by the group as the one to be performed on.

With understanding the scopes of leadership and transformation at individual and organisational level this report could be concluded as a systematic review of structured Framework that offers a promising environment for a field to work in. Both democratic and autocratic leadership might be beneficial for an organisation working in the IT sector if the contribution of this approach gets with proper macro and micro strategic alignment.