When making an online purchase or in-app, LazyPay pays on behalf of its user in full. The amount one requests LazyPay to pay on behalf of is a credit payment. So, after the amount goes to the customer’s merchant, it forms part of the last payment to LazyPay.

Therefore, LazyPay has become an essential and helpful credit payment method and the best financial provider globally. But since, since when one uses LazPay, they have to repay the amounts, there are various LazyPay payment options available for one to choose from beforehand.

The following will allow one to pay their LazyPay bills when the billing cycle reaches.  

Repayment Options to LazyPay

After using LazyPay to make purchases and other shopping activities, more or online, it is necessary to repay the exact amounts at a specified period since it offers credit on bills.

LazyPay requires one to repay the bill after two weeks or specifically on the 13th day and the 18th day of each month. The periods are the set billing cycle for LazyPay Limited. Therefore, one would have to know how they can make repayments for the LazyPay. 

LazyPay payment options are several from which a LazyPay user can select, depending on their circumstance and likes. Such payment options to pay on LazyPay bills include citrus wallet, credit card payment, NetBanking, UPI and debit card payments.   

Citrus Wallet

Citrus Wallet is an online account from the Citrus App. The Citrus payment option is the most applicable and used to make bill payments to LazyPay. The repayment one makes to LazyPay is dependent on the amount a user would have utilized before. So, the App from Google PlayStore allows one to log in to their account and make the incurred bills.

The process of the Citrus option is so fast and easy, and one would prefer this option since it is the best that LazyPay Limited recognizes as the topmost. 

One must repay their bills to LazyPay. After the billing cycle has passed before the repayments are successful, the individual will experience added amount to the same they had requested. Therefore, untimely repayment means higher payment than the same one had utilized earlier. 

Net Banking

LazyPay allows the online NetBanking repayment option. When one does not have sufficient cash to make a purchase or pay for their bills at other merchants and merchandised products using LazyPay, they can repay the same amount in terms of the LazyPay Limited policies.

Since NetBanking is also an online platform like LazyPay, repaying the exact amount that LazyPay awards one previously is pretty simple and secure.

NetBanking makes one of the many preferable LazyPay payment options for those who use the method. 


The Unified Payment Interface (UPI) is a platform developed in India for real-time payment systems. The UPI is an essential and helpful tool that enables the inter-bank or person-to-merchant, or peer-to-peer transactions to be available safely and more straightforwardly,

While using LazyPay, one would want to repay their debt for LazyPay Limited. So, if one requires sending the same amount to LazyPay, using the UPI is an essential application. The UPI allows the LazyPay users to transfer their money to LazyPay, a repayment process safely.

Therefore, the UPI forms an essential and most important way to make repayments and money transfers, like paying for LazyPay incurred bills.

Credit Card

If one finds it helpful to use LazyPay for credit so they could repay later after they have purchased their wants, the LazyPay payment options consider the credit card repayment. After a while, LazPay would require their refunds, unlike the process used by credit cards. 

While the credit card provides one with a specific amount they can use when they go short of cash, the LazyPay Limited allows its users to have the much they would like. So, the credit card may be helpful to repay the LazyPay bill since credit cards have no such billing cycle compared to LazyPay.

With a credit card, repaying the LazyPay incurred bills is applicable and on time, therefore helping one avoid interests or account suspends from LazyPay.  

Debit Card

When one has not had enough balance on their debit cards, they would have a choice to use the LazyPay payment option, which is applicable worldwide on the global markets. The amount LazyPay allows one to use is repayable using the various LazyPay payment options, of which the use of a debit card is one. 

When one uses the LazPay due to a lack of enough funds, using their debit card to repay the same is a good option. LazyPay Limited permits users to use their debit card to repay if they had requested LazyPay to stand for them.

It is a choice to LazyPay usage since it enables one to make purchases of such amounts they may like and pay after the billing cycle schedules.

The benefit of the LazyPay Repayment Options

Using LazyPay Limited to stand for one in paying a merchant for the services or products they offer is a choice one would consider. After LazyPay has done so, they require one to make payments on the bills after a specific while.

So, the options one has to choose from while repaying LazPay Limited are beneficial since they aid one in clearing their debt on LazyPay and prevent the demerits that may occur if repayment is incomplete or late. Such disadvantages may include suspension from one LazyPay account or increased interest on the amount one had received from LazyPay.

It is, therefore, an excellent thing to consider the repayment options to clear with LazyPay on time. 

 The various LazyPay payment options are such an item when dealing with LazyPay. While LazyPay offers cash to their user to make purchases with no amount, LazyPay Limited covers the same amount they require to use. So LazPay forms a beneficial payment option as a financial payment method.

But since LazyPay requires one to repay the amount at specific billing periods, it is neccessar7y for users to use quick and applicable repayment methods such as NetBanking, Credit card and Citrus wallet or the use UPI transfer.

Is it possible to get refunds from LazyPay?

LazyPay users can get refunds. On the App, there is a choice for “Refund Me”, where users can get their refund.

Does LazyPay only work in India?

LazyPay is one of the financial methods of payment that worked on the global markets.